Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Acadreamians are urged to step up

July 30, 2008 2:35 PM

Two days before the final showdown and yet the scholars seemed to have much adjustments to make in their performances. Some still had diction problems while the others kept losing their voices as they sang high notes.

Teacher Monet was frustrated with his team that he urged them to devote time to studying. Lack of practice was visible in their performances and this should be avoided at all cost. Apart from this, he challenged them to make the sacrifice of diligent practicing in order to produce remarkable results. The more they invest in it, the more rewards they would reap.

To eradicate hindrances in stepping up, Teacher Monet conducted an open forum for the scholars. Healthy relationships were crucial in the Academy since it helps them in developing a positive outlook. The Voice Mentor believed it was about time for them to confront their problems and know how these affect their fellow scholars.

Laarni admitted that the others were a distraction to her like she was to them when she practices her piece. However she still didn’t know how to solve this. Bugoy and Poy on the other hand felt that they were their own distraction. Apple and Iñaki were at times oblivious that their being talkative annoyed the others.

In the end, the Voice Mentor reminded them that the most important thing was that they were friends. The open forums seemed beneficial in threshing out their differences and settling it once and for all. Will this new outlook and healthy relationship with the others refuel the scholars’ passion in pursuing their dreams? See how this pep talk affects the scholars and tune in to Uberture!

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