Monday, July 28, 2008

Cris talks Miguel out of his solitude

July 28, 2008 1:31 PM

A lot have noticed Miguel’s sudden change of personality inside the Academy since he and Bea went under probation. From the lively and comic Miguel that they used to know, the Romantic Crooner suddenly evolved to a serious and quiet person who often enjoys being alone.

Apple was the one who first talked to Miguel regarding this after Bea’s expulsion, but the Romantic Crooner was insistent with his claim that there was nothing wrong with him. Though Apple was not convinced, she just left Miguel be with his thoughts, hoping that her friend could shake off whatever it was that was bothering him.

Some Scholars assumed that Miguel’s sudden change of attitude has something to do with Bea’s exit. It has been more than a week now since Bea’s expulsion from the Academy, and as some of the Scholars’ observation, it somehow coincides with Miguel’s sudden shift of mood.

Cris had the chance to have a private chat with the Romantic Crooner tonight, and she immediately took the opportunity to bring up the issue regarding his sudden quietness. She immediately asked him what was bothering him. Unlike with Apple before, Miguel is more open of the thought now. To answer her question, he admitted that there are a lot of reasons behind it, causing him to lose interest on enjoying a lot of things around him. What could these reasons be? Could it be related to Bea’s expulsion? Stay tuned to PinoyDreamAcademy Season 2 to find out the whole story behind Miguel’s sullen mode.

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