Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Teacher Monet peps up the Acadreamians

July 22, 2008 4:02 PM

The Acadreamians spent the whole morning practicing their trio performances with Teacher Monet. Each took their time with the mentor who assisted them in hitting the right notes.

During break time however, some chose to fool around with their fellow scholars and wasted their voices ceaselessly. For the others who decided to practice, they couldn’t stand on their own and were consistently off-key without the aid of the musical instrument.

When it was time to present their rehearsed performances to their mentor, the scholars failed to deliver. Not long before they opened their mouths to sing, were they asked to take their seats after losing their first note.

Teacher Monet was utterly frustrated with the scholars since they seemed to take his efforts in pushing them, for granted. Some were aware that they needed to form the discipline after producing inconsistent performances, but still they were doing otherwise.

Though he was disappointed with them, he still stood as their coach and he wanted to guide them constantly. He urged them to cut down on mindless games and focus on rehearsing their pieces. Also, he reminded them to cancel out negative thoughts and be strong in taking criticisms. These feedbacks in fact should serve as fuel for them to improve on their next performances. Will the scholars take their presentations to the next level after this pep talk? Catch the updates on the scholars later on Uberture!

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